Monday, May 28, 2012

Turnaround of Charles

These last two weeks were not the most productive we've had. Rachel's motherboard fried and had to be replaced, my new computer arrived and just wanted me to built it, windows and softwares had to be reinstalled... But while doing all this IT work, we finally finished the postman turnaround, and this post will be the official opening of our production blog!

We'll start talking about our project on forums, to get critics and feedbacks, hopefully good ones :) Either way we're sure that this will boost our motivation, as we've now reached the point of no return, we can't go back!


Ces deux dernières semaines n'ont pas été des plus productives. La carte mère de Rachel nous a lâché, il a fallu la remplacer, mon nouveau pc est arrivé et n'attendait plus que je le monte, il a fallu reinstallé windows et compagnie... Mais malgré tout ce boulot de maintenance, on a enfin fini le turnaround du facteur, et ce post servira d'ouverture officielle de notre blog de production!

On va commencer à parler de notre projet sur les forums, pour recevoir des critiques, en espérant qu'elles soient plutôt bonnes :)
Quoiqu'il arrive, ca boostera notre motivation, parce qu'on ne pourra plus faire machine arrière!



  1. I prefer the woman, this guy looks really cold and express a lot less that the caracter of the marguerite... (I've just looked at their "turn" yet)
